Spine & Posture Screenings

What Are Spinal and Postural Screenings?

Spinal and postural screenings are an evaluation of your spine and posture. They're valuable for both kids and adults and can help detect issues that might not be causing any discomfort yet, but could lead to problems down the road. If these issues are found early, they're often easier to treat.

Good chiropractic care can keep those problems from getting worse, and follow-up care with other medical professionals might be recommended. These screenings are a good way to check up on an important part of your health.

The Value of Chiropractic Care

Whether anything is found through spinal and postural screenings or not, they're a valuable part of good chiropractic care. As you work with your chiropractor for support, advice, and treatment, you can develop a better understanding of your overall wellness. That way, you'll be more likely to detect issues and seek treatment before a problem becomes more serious. It becomes easier to keep spinal and joint issues at bay with a good chiropractor on your side. But that all starts with a proper screening to get a baseline.

What Changes Can You Make at Home?

Once you've had a spinal and postural screening, along with any recommended chiropractic care, it's a good idea to take proper care of yourself at home. That can include sitting correctly, moving more, stretching, and other recommendations.

Our chiropractor will help you choose what kinds of home treatments are right for your needs, so you can continue to stay as strong and healthy as possible. Your spinal health is an essential part of your mobility, so it's a good idea to take care of it at all times.

More On Posture & Screening

Abnormal posture has been associated with the development and progression of many spinal injuries and diseases, including:

  • Scoliosis

  • Disc injury

  • Muscle injury

  • Lifting injuries

  • Sports-related injuries

  • Chronic headaches

  • Neck pain

  • Back pain

  • Shoulder injuries

Poor posture in the adolescent years has also been found to be a major cause of early arthritis and chronic pain in adulthood.

A posture screening has two components: a static and dynamic postural analysis. The static analysis involves assessing mobility and pain issues by evaluating a patient’s pelvic tilt, anterior pelvic tilt, elevation posture, and rotation posture.

Dynamic postural analysis checks if there are any alignment issues while the patient is in motion. In many cases, the body changes the way it moves to compensate for deviations in spinal alignment. For example, improper spinal alignment can cause you to redistribute your weight and favor one leg over the other. These changes can cause pain in other areas of the body by pulling ligaments, tendons,

and muscles out of alignment when you move.

This screening will require you to:

  • Raise your hands above your head

  • Stand on one leg

  • Sit on the edge of a seat, stand up, then sit down again

  • Attempt a push up

Available Now!

$75 Introductory Special

Interested in seeing how chiropractic can help you? Our $75 Introductory Special is a great way to see if we are a good fit! Dr. Maddy will gather all the information from your New Patient Paperwork, review your health history, perform a physical exam, postural analysis, and neurological scans. You will even receive your first adjustment! You do not want to miss out on this amazing special - book your appointment today!

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Office Hours:

Monday – 9am – 1pm; 3-6pm

Tuesday – Closed

Wednesday – 9am – 1pm; 3-5pm

Thursday – 9am – 1pm; 3-6pm

Friday – Closed

Saturday – By appointment only

Sunday – Closed

Performance Chiropractic Clinic

13105 W Bluemound Rd, #275

Brookfield, WI 53005

(262) 422-7457